Friday, July 2, 2010

July  2010

Servant teams, sharing with the church abroad in the power of the Holy Spirit

Give praise for the youth and adult teams which have stepped out in faith and allowed the LORD to use them powerfully to bring encouragement to the local people, while at the same time growing stronger in their own faith.

PRAY for Rev Gradon Harvey, SOMA National Coordinator as he communicates with overseas Bishops and Leaders to make arrangements for the missions for the next twelve months and

PRAY for the team leaders and members willing to go with open and servant hearts to serve as disciples of our LORD.

GIVE THANKS for the many youth teams being organised and for youth willing to go to encourage and reach out.

GIVE THANKS for the practical teams going to help local communities.

PRAY for all the following missions; - particularly for the right team members, for wisdom with their preparations, cultural sensitivity, servant hearts and opportunities to share the gospel and impact lives of local people, and for the team’s health and safety.

6 June- 5 July Fiji/Vanua Levu - led by Bishop Richard Ellena, Nelson for encouragement to youth and families

29 July-9 Aug Nigeria - Rev Gradon Harvey, Waikanae is joining with International Board and Executive Group. Rev David Bahler  and Mr Peter Akester representing NZ at the conference and mission after.

Aug/Sept Fiji/Viti Levu - led by Rev Stuart Crosson, St Matthew’s Dunedin for encouragement to youth & families

October India - led by Kas Govind, Churton Park Wellington to assist with Alpha training and ministry to families

2 to 15 Dec Vanuatu/Santo - youth team  Sumner Christchurch for encouragement to youth and families

15 to 25 Jan Vanuatu/Port Villa - youth team Waikanae for encouragement to youth and families

 Parish of Blockhouse Bay – July 13-27th  2011, to New Caledonia – Adult team 5-6 –tentative.
 Parish of Rangiora  to East Ambae – August team of 5-6 adults/youth.
Parish of Blockhouse Bay – September 14-28th 2011 , Fresh Wota- tentative.

PRAY for the SOMA NZ Council Trustees meeting in November as  they gather to review past missions and finalise plans for future missions.They will be looking at in depth our visit to NZ of overseas mission teams.

PRAY about going on a SOMA mission or supporting SOMA financially to enable teams to go forth into the developing world to support and encourage local churches.

If you are interested in any of these missions or to any other country or require additional information, please send an email to (Gradon) or (Phil).

PRAY for the leadership of SOMA International and of the other SOMA organisations based in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, U.S.A., Singapore, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, and South America.

PRAY for those who support SOMA NZ in so many different ways, such as financially, prayer, lead or go on teams and fund raise for people or teams to go from their church.

PRAY for SOMA NZ council trustees who pay their own way to meetings and give of their time freely - Bishop Richard Ellena (Chair), Rev Gradon Harvey (Natl. Coordinator), Rev Anne Aspden, Mr Kas Govind, Rev Rory Pilbrow, Rev Paul Heard, Mr Phil Harris (Admin), & Rev David Bahler (Sec).

GIVE thanks for all those lives that have been encouraged, healed and restored through the ministry of SOMA NZ teams.

GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28. 19-20